
Two medals for Alana Hargreaves and one for Kenzie Priddell at Synchronized Swimming Nationals in Windsor, Ontario

April 30th, 2018 — After a physically demanding National Synchronized Swimming Event held in Windsor this past week, Synchro Saskatchewan is pleased to announce that High Performance Athlete Alana Hargreaves formerly from Saskatoon Aqualenes, now training at the Regional Training Center in Toronto, Ontario, captured a Gold medal in Highlight Routine, a gold medal in Senior Team Free, and 6th place in Senior Duet Tech.


Kenzie Priddell formerly from Regina Synchro, now training with Montreal Synchro captured bronze in Combo and 5th in both Senior Team and Senior Duet Tech Routines. She also placed 8th in Senior Solo Tech.


We would like to congratulate Alana and Kenzie for all the hard work that went into preparing for this competition. Both Athletes have re-located to train at High Performance Training Centers with the goal of retaining National Team Status.

